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Essential Online Books
Here are a few online theosophical classics that have been important to my development as an astral projector. Many are still available in book form, new or used. I recommend reading them in order.
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Hits: 5008
Man and His Bodies
By Annie Besant. An introduction to our energy bodies. The book that inspired me to write "The Multidimensional Human."
Hits: 4982
The Astral Plane
A classic. Excellent next step after "Man and His Bodies." For a more in-depth presentation, check out Arthur Powell's "The Astral Body."
Hits: 4560
The Devachanic Plane
A lesser-known sequel to "The Astral Plane." Covers the mental plane. For a more in-depth presentation, see Powell's "The Mental Body."
Hits: 4431
Invisible Helpers
Some of the stories are a little hokey, but if you're looking for something to do once you get out of body, you'll get some interesting ideas here.
Hits: 4544
The Ancient Wisdom
By Annie Besant. Summary of Theosophical teachings with emphasis on the planes (astral, mental, etc.) and energy bodies.
Hits: 5129
The Etheric Double: The Health Aura
By Arthur E. Powell. A summary of over three dozen Theosophical sources published from 1888 to 1921 on the etheric body, a lesser-known energy body that people often confuse with the astral.
Hits: 4521
The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
By Arthur E. Powell. A comprehensive, readable summary of close to forty Theosophical publications on the astral plane and body published between 1888 and 1920.
Hits: 4458
The Mental Body
By Arthur E. Powell. A useful summary of over three dozen theosophical texts published from 1897-1926 on the mental body and plane (the plane beyond the astral).
Hits: 4502
The Causal Body and the Ego
By Arthur E. Powell. A challenging summary of three dozen Theosophical texts published from 1897 to 1926 on the higher energy bodies and planes: the causal, buddhic, and nirvanic. The ego in the title refers to our higher self.
Hits: 4577
First Principles of Theosophy
By C. Jinarajadasa, a former president of the Theosophical Society. A thoroughgoing explanation of Theosophical concepts, with lots of useful diagrams for those who appreciate graphic presentations of complex information. Puts it all together.
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